The Writers' Guide to DSM-IV Diagnoses Part 2: Mood Disorders
0 comments Posted by Carolyn Kaufman | @CMKaufman at 10:48 PMNew Article: The Writers' Guide to DSM-IV Diagnoses Part 2: Mood Disorders
Summary: Looks at DSM-IV Diagnoses in the Mood Disorders category including major depression, dysthymia, and the bipolar (manic-depressive) disorders.
Labels: bipolar disorder
New Article: A Writer's Book of Fears
Summary: "Fear can be debilitating to a writer. It can keep you from all aspect of your craft - from finishing a story to submitting one. Learning to deal with your fears is the first step to writing without them. "
Labels: rejection
New Article: 8 Tips for Writing Flash Fiction
Summary: "Flash fiction is similar to writing poetry. Every word must count when you write a poem and the same goes for short fiction. It takes discipline and a ruthless ability to only use the words necessary to tell the tale. You must accomplish a lot of things right away: introduce the main character, set the stage and prepare the reader for the story. And do this in a minimum number of words. So, how do you accomplish this feat of writing magic? I am glad you asked. "